a Child Welfare policy that provides for the removal of children from their families (in NSW or any other Australian jurisdiction) the NSW Youth Drug Court

Research Essay

This assessment requires you to analyse one of the following juvenile justice interventions:

a Child Welfare policy that provides for the removal of children from their families (in NSW or any other Australian jurisdiction)

the NSW Youth Drug Court

a Youth Diversion strategy (such as cautions, warnings, or conferencing)

Boot Camps

Youth detention

Alternatively, you can chose another intervention, however this should be discussed with the subject coordinator prior to commencing your essay.

Your essay should include the following:

a description of the intervention and who is targeted (eg programs for 13-18 year olds)

objectives of the intervention (eg to reduce crime, rehabilitate offenders etc)

policy and/or legislation governing the intervention (eg Young Offenders Act 1997)

limitations and strengths of the intervention

relevant theoretical perspectives (eg Strain theory, Marxist theory)

your own critical analysis of the intervention (eg based on evidence, is the intervention helpful; is it politically motivated?; what are the likely impacts?; could there be an alternative?)

Your intervention should be thoroughly researched and critically analysed. It should encompass

relevant theories, policies, legislation, and practices, and should be written in your own words,

drawing on relevant literature. Your research should be evidence-based and critical, rather than simply

a description of an intervention.

You should begin planning your essay well in advance of the due date to allow ample time for

ordering any library books or articles from the library. Remember, library staff are very helpful and

very willing to assist however they can, so please contact them if you require assistance with databases

or locating library items.

Your essay should be well structured in a way that clearly sets out your argument, beginning with a

clear introduction to your essay, and concluding with a summary of your argument. The body of your

essay should flow and be logically set out. Please reference all your work with in-text references and

and reference list at the end. Marks will be deducted for inaccurate/missing references. If you need any

assistance or encounter any difficulties please contact the Learning Skills Advisor. Please contact the

unit coordinator if your require any more information about the essay.

Resources relevant to this assessment

Below is a list of resources that are relevant to this assessment. These are suggestions only and you are

encouraged to locate your own resources in addition to those in the list:

ABC News Royal commission: some children in foster care in NSW ‘still at risk’


Bargen, J (2000) ‘The Young Offenders Act 1997: Is the diversionary scheme being diverted?’ 12(3)

Jucidicial Officers’ Bulletin.

Care Leavers Australia Network (Tamworth Boys’ Home)


Charles Sturt University Subject Outline

JST204 201460 PT I-Not Yet Published-Version 0 Page 17 of 25

Carrington, K and Pereira, M (2009) Offending youth: Sex, crime and justice, Federation Press:

Sydney (Chapters 1, 2, 9)

Cunneen and White (2011) Juvenile Justice: Youth crime in Australia, Oxford University Press:

Melbourne, 4th edn (Chapters 10, 11, 13)

Lee, M (2006), ‘Public dissent and governmental neglect: Isolating and excluding Macquarie Fields’

18(1) Current issues in criminal justice 32-50

Daly, K and Hayes, H (2002), ‘Restorative justice and conferencing’ in A Graycar and P Grabosky

(eds), Handbook of Australian Criminology, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge

Douglas, B & McDonald, D 2012, The prohibition of illicit drugs is killing and criminalizing our

children and we are letting it happen, Report of high level Australia21 Roundtable at the University of

Sydney, Tuesday 31st January 2012, Australia21, Sydney


Hutchinson, T and Richards, K (2013), ‘Scared straight: Boot camps for Queensland’ 38 (4) Alternative

law journal 229-233.

National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their

Families (1997) Bringing them home, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission: Canberra


NSW Caselaw (Court cases and decisions from the Children’s Court)


NSW Drug Court


NSW Lawlink (Diversion Programs)


Parramatta Girls Home http://www.parragirls.org.au

Parramatta Girls School


Queensland Police 2012, Police Diversion Program for a minor drugs offence (cannabis), Queensland

Police, Brisbane, viewed December


Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse



Successful completion of this assessment will achieve the following outcomes:

be able to demonstrate an understanding of the historical foundations of the modern system of juvenile justice and child welfare

be able to provide a general overview of the statutory framework of intervention with respect to juvenile offenders and other children and juveniles deemed in need of ‘care’ and their families

be able to critically analyse the institutional frameworks and principal sites of interventions into the lives of children and families, including policing, schooling, child welfare and the children’s court

be able to demonstrate an understanding of the effects of, especially the inequalities produced and/or compounded by, this network of agencies and practices

be able to demonstrate an understanding of alternatives to judicially processing young offenders, specifically focusing on pre-trial diversion, cautioning schemes, youth conferencing and other community based prevention and control initiatives

Marking criteria

High Distinction





Attention to research purpose and presentation

Answered essay

question clearly

in a concise,

structured, and

focused manner


essay question

clearly with


structure but a

minor lack of


Answered essay

question, mostly

with a logical

structure but with

a moderate lack of


Some of the work

addressed the question

but the essay is

unstructured and there

is a significant lack of


Fails to answer the question

Content Knowledge

Detailed and


knowledge of

topic with no


Detailed and


knowledge of topic

with minor

omissions or


Sound knowledge of

topic with some

omissions or



knowledge of topic

but there are

significant gaps

and inaccuracies


knowledge of


demonstrated or



of content area

Critical Analysis


critical analysis

on topic

Excellent critical

analysis on topic,

Sound critical

analysis on topic

Some critical

analysis on topic


descriptive, lacks

any critical

analysis on topic

Use of Academic Material


researched, essay

uses numerous

relevant and



Well researched,

essay uses many

relevant and

appropriate sources

Sound research,

essay uses some

relevant and

appropriate sources

Some research,

minimal relevant

and appropriate



no relevant and


sources other than

the text

Clarity of Expression

Very fluent

writing style,


introduction and


grammar and

spelling accurate

Language fluent,

good introduction

and conclusion,

grammar and

spelling accurate

Language mainly

fluent, sound

introduction and


grammar and

spelling mainly


Meaning apparent,

but language is not

always fluent,

weak introduction

and conclusion,

grammar and/or

spelling contain


Meaning unclear,

no identifiable

introduction or


and/or grammar

and/or spelling

contain frequent


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