Details on Your Paper Format – This case analysis paper must be a minimum of three single-spaced pages using a 10-11 point proportional font, but no more than five pages in length (excluding title page, abstract, table of contents, and bibliography). It must also include a minimum of four supplemental references in addition to your textbook, properly noted within your paper as well as at the end in APA style.
1. Read the Harley Davidson case study found on pages 61 to 76 in your Hartley case textbook.
2. Include the following sections in your analysis of Harley Davidson:
An Introduction that includes highlights of the history of the growth of Harley Davidson.
A brief analysis of Harley Davidson as you see them early in 2014. Be sure to review recent corporate developments in 2011, 2012, and 2013 as you prepare this analysis.
An analysis of how Harley Davidson has executed strategies to expand to international markets over the past 20 years. What worked, what did not? How did they adjust to the failures? How did they build upon their successes?
An analysis of what types of “corporate level” strategies Harley has executed over the years. What is currently driving their strategic initiatives in 2014?
Finally, end your paper with a strategic assessment of what it will take for Harley Davidson to maintain and improve it’s current domestic as well as international market position, and to operate under a sustainable corporate innovation strategy?