Categorize the different ways patient satisfaction is measured and shared with staff. What changes are initiated as a result of this measurement?

The focus on a nurse manager was directed toward the following areas to be included in the paper: Identify the leadership style of the unit manager you are shadowing. Did the person’s style change based upon different situations you saw him or her in? Did the style(s) seem appropriate for the situation? Might a different approach have been appropriate?
Identify how patient safety and staff skills or mix affect staffing assignments.
What are the staffing requirements for the unit? How was the mix decided upon? Who has the final say in determining this mix?
Explain the skills and understanding needed for how to staff a unit appropriately. How is unit staffing adjusted for higher or lower than expected patient census or increases and decreases in patient acuity?
Categorize the different ways patient satisfaction is measured and shared with staff. What changes are initiated as a result of this measurement?
Categorize the different ways staff satisfaction is measured and what is done with the results of this measurement.
Evaluate how the unit manager responds to changing patient safety, acuity, and census levels. Is there an acuity model used to measure patient acuity? How does decreased acuity or census change staffing patterns? How does the skill mix (e.g., types of nursing staff) change based on these daily changes?
Based on what you saw in this experience, what management theories and principles were used to make these decisions? Support your answer with examples from your practicum experience.
If you were the manager, what theories would you use to support your decisions, and provide an example of how you would apply this.
Suggest a research study topic based upon the experiences you had with this manager. This is not something already published, but an idea drawn from your experience in this course.
The focus of your experience of 5 hours with a nurse recruiter was directed toward the following areas to be included in the paper

I’ve included answers to the following questions below in addition the grading rubric.
Please follow the grading rubric for the specific information that must be discussed in this paper. A minimum of 5 peer reviewed no older than 5 years, references are required to support my work. * 8 page APA paper cover page, abstract and reference pages must be included.

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