Chief Marketing Officer

Coursework Question:

Assume you are the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) of your chosen product and you are presenting your analysis, findings and recommendations to the Board of Directors!


  1. Present an industry and company overview including, but not limited to, market size, growth and revenue break-up.
  2. Conduct a PEST/PESTEL analysis of the industry.
  3. Present a SWOT analysis identifying the KEY points and grading them along with the probabilities of occurrence and the reasons thereof
  4. Think of your customers, who is your target market?
  5. Using the marketing mix and its constructs explain the existing strategiesof your chosen product/brand.
  6. Considering the above information-what should your chosen brand/product do over the next 5 years? Please explain the chosen strategic decisions drawing from your understanding of existing marketing theory and remember that your competitors will be conducting the same exercise.


  • Please ensure that appropriate references are provided and arguments are clearly justified.
  • Please remember that your competitors are doing the same and the intention as in any business setting is to WIN. No one remembers the number two!!
  • Besides grading criteria specified in UG course handbook, here are some more specific grading criteria related to the Principles and Management of Marketing course, as it follows here:
    • The coursework addresses and interprets the question– 40%
    • The answer makes an interpretation of the question and in relation to this develops a coherent and connected line of argument. The answer sticks to the point.  Instructions in the question are carried out (i.e. discuss underpinning concepts using contemporary examples).
    • Knowledge/Content – 40%

Concepts, theories, facts, examples and research evidence are relevant and selected to back-up and illustrate what is being said (i.e. the arguments and interpretation).

  • Organisation/Presentation – 20%

Arguments and evidence are coherently presented in academic business report format.

Acknowledgement of sources and citation in Harvard style, legible, length, clarity, grammar and spelling, etc.




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