IAH 211B sec. 2 (Fall 2014)
Guidelines for paper 1 (updated)
Write an analytical interpretation of a specific topic (of your choice) on the film(s) screened in
this course without duplicating your presentation topic. The format: double-line spacing (except
quotations), twelve-point font, and 4-5 pages in length. It is due by 3 pm on 10/9/2014. You
upload your electronic version to the dropbox of “Turnitin” on D2L by 3 pm, and submit a hard
copy before the class. Please make sure your uploading is successful, as late submissions will
have 50% automatically deducted from your grade. The rubric of paper marking has been
uploaded at D2L.
• Develop a thoughtful thesis (as indicated in the title of your paper) through a wellorganized
analysis of the film(s) by going below the surface meaning of the film(s)
• Generate a coherent analysis of the film(s) by connecting the dots as observed in the
film(s) and related works
• Address conflicting issues in the given work(s) to construct a convincing argument
• Substantiate the statement with specific examples drawn from the movie(s) and/or critical
• Explore the cinematic work(s) with newly gained knowledge in class discussions
• The descriptive part of the primary source should not be over 1/5 of your paper length
Use of reference:
• Provide a full documentation of all reference you use and/or paraphrase either in the
footnote or endnote
Plagiarism Policy:
ANY instances of plagiarism, intentional or otherwise, will result in automatic failure of the
assignment or course, and notification sent to the dean of your college. Plagiarism is defined
as the direct or indirect incorporation of ideas other than your own into your work without
proper academic citation or documentation. If you aren’t sure whether or not something is
plagiarism, the best thing to do is to cite it anyway. If you are not sure about how to cite
information properly, you need to come and talk to me.
Please keep in mind the assignment is to write an analytical paper rather than summarizing
the (plot of) film(s). Sample papers have been posted on D2L. If you want to find more about
the thesis statement, you can find detailed information in the power point presentation “Writing
Thesis Statement.” If you would like to know how to differentiate analysis from summary, you
can find concrete explanation in the power point presentation “Analysis, Paraphrase or
Summary” posted on D2L. If you would like to have potential topics of the paper, please inform
me as soon as possible.