Choose one from the list below, and please use educating for character by Thomas Lickona for information, as well as any additional issues that surfaced as a result of serendipity. How would you address any or all of the following?

Choose one from the list below, and please use educating for character by Thomas Lickona for information, as well as any additional issues that surfaced as a result of serendipity. How would you address any or all of the following?
In what ways have the learning experiences this week changed or affirmed your views and opinions of character education?
How would you describe the impact your selected pioneer educator had on your perspective about character and character education?
Will your actions at home, at school or in the office undergo any changes as a result of the additional knowledge, insights, and work with your colleagues during this week?
Here is the list of people to chooce from.’
Horace Mann
Parker Palmer
William McGuffey
Nel Noddings
John Rawls
John Stewart Mill
Maria Montessori
John Dewey
Thomas Hobbes
Adam Smith
Thomas Moore
M. Scott Peck
Thomas Jefferson
Lawrence Kohlberg
Carol Gilligan
Christina Hoff Sommers

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