Conduct a five force analysis on the food industry and analyse the Whole Foods’ position in its industry versus its rivals

BE216 Assignment
The Individual Essay: Global sourcing strategy under socially responsible challenges
For this individual assignment, you are expected to explore the following questions after reading and analysing Whole Foods’ John Mackey on Conscious Capitalism (page 439-4)
1- Conduct a five force analysis on the food industry and analyse the Whole Foods’ position in its industry versus its rivals.
2- What are Whole Foods’ firms Specific resources and capabilities that underpin its success
3- From an institution point of view, how would you characterise whole Foods’ strategy featuring its heroic purpose to try to change and improve our world.
4- Why does Mackey acknowledge that most customers don’t care about conciseness, and yet him and his firm emphasises so much on that?
5- If you were an entrepreneur at a firm in an emerging economies in general, what lesson would you draw from this?
NB: Proper referencing of your work and originality will be rewarded. Also note that plagiarism is a serious offense.
The individual report must be handed in Week 23. Please note that lecturers and students are not allowed to negotiate individual extensions. Maximum length: 3000 to 4000 words on A4 paper including cover page, table of contents, tables/figures/graphs, references, etc. Use 12pt font size Times New Roman, with 2.5cm margins all around and double-spaced. References, table of contents, and tables/figures/graphs may be single-spaced with a font size 10. Word limit is non-negotiable and reports that exceed the set limit will not be marked. Deviations from the set formatting guidelines will severely affect your grade, regardless of report content. This is to ensure optimal length consistency and fairness for all submitted student reports.
Reference citation within the text
Citation in the text should be by the author’s last name and year of publication, enclosed in parentheses without punctuation: (Morgan 2000). If there are more than three authors, use (Morgan et al. 2001).
Reference list style
References are to be listed alphabetically, last name first, initials or full first name, followed by publication date in parentheses.
Easton, Allan, (1976). Sales quota achievement indices for multi-product firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 5(2), 77-88.
Steele, Lowell W. (1975). Innovation in Big Business. Elsevier North-Holland, New York, Chap. 1, pp 5-7.Chapter in edited book:
Ayre, Robert U., and Shapanka, Adele, (1976). Explicit technological substitution forecasts in long-range input-output models. In: Harold A. Linstone and Devendra Sahal, eds., Technological Substitution: Forecasting Techniques and Applications.
Elsevier, New York, pp 347-421.
Theses, reports, and other unpublished material:
Style as journal article with as much source information as possible.
Websites: Provide full URL address and date accessed.

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