construction industry

a).You are to select and describe a building that typifies each of the following architectural periods:

(1) Medieval
(2) Classical
(3) Victorian
(4) Modern

This assignment part a requires you to describe the features of each building that are typical of its architectural style. You should select buildings that you are able to actually visit, and your descriptions should include photographs of the features you are describing.
You need also to explain the history of each building; who commissioned it, who designed it, what its purpose was, details of its original construction, and details of anyway the building has been modified.

You should aim to limit your description of each building to about 2 sides of A4.

b). Remember when you won the lottery and went sailing in the Caribbean for 6 months, you met a rich American construction mogul? Well he has just made contact with you to say he is coming to the UK to set up a major construction company, and because you are such an expert on the UK construction industry (well that is what you told him when you were out drinking with him one night!) he wants you to provide him with a brief resume of the characteristics of the UK construction industry.

Using the construction statistics provide a concise description of the current nature and structure of the industry.

[Limit of 1,000 words]

c). Progressively over the last 25 years the role of the independent project manager has become an established element of the management of projects. Outline the contribution the function of project manager makes to the construction process.

[Limit of 1,000 words] [50 marks]

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