Creative Film Proposal
I have always developed taste for films. This is for the reason that they are used as source of entertainment and at the same time used by the directors to convey their messages to their targeted groups. The content of the film always have a great impact on its audience. Movies have therefore been preferred to other forms of creativity. The type of stylistic devices used by the director is the base for rating films (Pollock & Dippel 135). It is for this reason that I deemed it fit to create my own movie and illustrate on how the content and the settings of a movie could affect the daily lives of man.
I acted as a director and created my own movie. The title of my movie is Okinawa’s Relationship with the active characters being the people of the Taiwanese society, the Japanese, and the Chinese. For this film, I talk about how a communities which are suffering from the effect of war even though they have an established government. A quarter of the civilian population died in the battle line. I have decided to talk about this subject because it has more of relationship on the people and helps to present to the audience the different kinds of post war experiences Taiwan and China had. Even though the people are suffering, governments have been seen to be indifferent to the problems and their plight. My film therefore creates a direct relationship with the audience through the way I present my plot. I have designed film in a way that it conveys the subject of how the innocent citizens are always suffering in the hands of non-caring government (Skwiot 129).
My film will just be a work of fiction. My subject will mainly be focusing of a real life situation therefore the work of fiction will help me in avoiding direct confrontation with the leading people in the society; who are the main source of problem. Instead, I have used characters of fiction directly having relation to the real people in the society. To ensure that my film have the effects I desire on the society I have made it be colored, a design that most of the people admire. Apart from these techniques, I have also included stylistic devices to ensure that my film meets the requirement of creativity.
Just like in Minamata film, the setting I have used is that of the poor people. This helps me to communicate my theme of plight of the poor in an effective way because they are the dominant characters. I have also used personification, as a stylistic device, so that I satirize the deeds of some people in the society without them bearing ill motives that I was talking about them (Hachemer 5). This is evident in the film, Godzilla, in which the director successfully uses the Godzilla to satirize the western influence of using the nuclear power in other countries. Personification is also seen as being successful in the film Giant and Toys where the producer uses characters that exactly represent the happening in the society. The action of money having effect on the characters of a person is always a daily occurrence. I have also described vividly the effect of pollution to ensure that everybody get an insight from my creativity work.
I have extensively talked about the plight of the innocent citizens in the society. As the movie progresses, we see U.S service members raping some of the young girls. This however affects less on the action of the government as they did nothing about this. The citizens of the society are suffering from various forms of war related effects. The involved societies are suffering from hunger because most of their lands have been made bases for the military by the US. I have presented a number of children who eventually succumb to effects of war because of little they had to eat. When the children are taken to government dispensaries that were seen to be cheaper, they find the “acting medical officers” are not present and were not expected to return after two days. Acting medical officers were the dominant medical practitioners in the society. This consequently, leads to death of two of the children because they could not afford which US army mainly dominated.
I view my own movie as a must watch movie because the issues I have discussed are real and continue affecting out societies. The stylistic devices and the other techniques I have used help to present to the audience the effects the people of the mainland Japan, China and Taiwan suffered because of the ensuing war in their country. From these, my film has depicted that counter media always have influence on the day-to-day social and historical issues. Besides the government not controlling the ensuing war, it has also not bothered whether the public servants are meeting their work ethics in the course of their work (Skwiot 129). The content of my film goes hand in hand with the significant subjects in the society of the Japanese, Taiwanese and the Chinesel.
Hachemer, Mareike. Philip Freneau ‘the Wild Honey Suckle’ and ‘to a New England Poet’. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH, 2007.
Pollock, F, and L Dippel. Senior English Outcomes: Stage 6. Pascal Press: Pascal, 2003. Print.
Skwiot, Christine. The Purposes of Paradise: U.S. Tourism and Empire in Cuba and Hawaii. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. Print.