Crime Prevention Program

The purpose of this assignment is to describe a local crime prevention program. Through this assignment, you will first identify a local crime prevention program. Using the information you have learned thus far in the course, you will then describe the components or elements, philosophy, and goals of the program, as well as the strengths and weaknesses, and the effectiveness of the program.

In a minimum of 3-5 pages of written text (not including the cover page and reference page), you will provide the following:

•The name of the crime prevention program

•A description of the components of the program (i.e., the length of time to complete the program, who are the participants, who teaches the program, and in what setting is it taught, the topics taught, etc.)

•A description of the philosophy and goals of the program (i.e., what is the purpose of the program and what does it attempt to achieve?)

•A description of the strengths and weaknesses of the program (i.e., what is good about it and what is bad about it?)

•A description of any ethical issues involved with the program (i.e., is it ethical to provide the program information to the specific participants of the program — is the material age-sensitive or is the teacher the appropriate person to be teaching the material?)

•A description of the effectiveness of the program (i.e., does it work?)

Include examples to support your discussion.

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