Identify in the production the elements of the modified dramatic structure pyramid.
– Exposition
– Inciting Incident
– Rising Action
– Climax
– Falling Action
– Resolution
– Denouement
2. Identify several theatrical conventions (at least 5 examples) used by the production,
and clearly communicate what specific ideas these conventions establish and how they
impact the production in a positive or negative way. Completely explain each idea with
examples from the production.
“Conventions are the grammar of the theatre. They are the rules that govern a play’s
composition. One might even go so far as to say that in a very real way, the history of the
theatre is a history of conventions. There are conventions of language and movement;
conventional character types, conventions of theme; conventions of form; conventions of
staging, design, and costumes even conventions regarding the relationship of the
audience to the stage.”
Robt. W. Corrigan, The World of the Theatre (2nd Ed.), Wm. C. Brown, 1992
Example – One convention of staging is the “fourth wall”. In many plays, the audience is
“invisible” to the characters in the play, as if there was a one-way mirror between the
action in the play, and the audience, spectating. (YOU MAY NOT USE THIS IN YOUR PAPER)
3.Write a criticism of the theatrical event answering the following questions.
Method of criticism: (Clearly answer each of these 5 questions in detail)
– What was the goal of the event?
– What were the component parts of the event?
– How effective were they as individual components?
– How effective as a whole?
– How valuable was the experience?