Critically compare and contrast the TWO social theories and apply to ONE of the sporting issues.

Assessment is in the form of ONE 2500 word essay (100%)

Essay Title/Subject Critically compare and contrast the TWO social theories and apply them to ONE of the sporting issues below.
Social Theories and Theorists 1) Marxism 2) Pierre Bourdieu
Sporting Issues 1) Social class as a determinant of participation in sport 2) Drug use and performance enhancement 3) Corruption in international sport 4) The commodification of professional football 5) The socialisation of children into sport 6) Increasing government intervention in sport 7) The ‘American Dream’ myth of sport being open and accessible to all 8) The rationalisation of ‘playing through pain’ in sport.

Marx tries to reduce everything to the economy, whilst Bourdieu says the economy is just one factor of many. Let me know if you have any questions.

Writer should aim at working for a 80% grade on the mark sheet or anything above 70% for this assignment, use mark sheet for guidance. Some useful readings Book Chapter – Theory and Social Problems, chapter four (Anderson, 2010) First as Tragedy, Then as Farce – Crises of Capitalism – The Handbook of Sport Studies (Coakley & Dunning, 2000) Sport and Leisure in Social Thought (Jarvie & Maguire, 1994) Sport: A Critical Sociology (Giulianotti, 2005) Sport and Modern Social Theorists (Giulianotti, 2004) Sport, Exercise and Social Theory (Molnar & Kelly, 2012) Sociology of Sport and Social Theory (Smith, 2010) Sport, Theory and Social Problems (Anderson, 2010)

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