“Most departments and agencies in the Federal government are required to have an affirmative action program for the recruitment, employment, and advancement of disabled veterans. The law requires agencies to develop annual Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program (DVAAP) Plans.” (site excerpt)
Go to the Proquest Cyberlibrary and read:
Affirmative action requirements
Charles J Muhl. Monthly Labor Review. Washington: Jan 1999. Vol. 122, Iss. 1; p. 48 (2 pages)
Please answer the following question:
Should disabled veterans get preferential treatment over better qualified candidates who are not disabled veterans?
Case Expectations:
Make sure to contrast DVAAP to programs that involve affirmative action for women or minorities?
Be sure to refer to the logic of the Affirmative Action arguments laid out in the background information. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT; show me that you understand the logic of those arguments that are relevant to your answer.
Be sure to set out the utilitarian and deontological considerations.