Discuss the relationship between organizational control and change and explain why managing change is a vital management skill and task.

1. What kinds of controls would you expect to find most used in: (a) a hospital, (b) the Navy, (c) the city police force? Why?
2. Some managers go to great lengths to monitor their employees’ behavior and they keep extensive records about the employees’ behavior and performance. Some organizations also seem to possess norms and values that cause their employees to behave in certain ways.
a. Think about the ethical implications of organizations’ monitoring and collecting information about their employees. What kinds of information is it ethical or unethical to collect? Should managers and organizations tell subordinates they are collecting such information?
b. Some organizations’ cultures seem to develop norms and values that cause their members to behave in unethical ways. When and why does a strong norm that encourages high performance become one that can cause people to act unethically? How can an organization keep their values and norms from becoming “too strong”?
3. Discuss the relationship between organizational control and change and explain why managing change is a vital management skill and task?
4. What are factors that managers face in managing a diverse workforce and how do effective managers deal with them?
5. What are some of the advantages an organization gains by effectively acquiring and managing a diverse workforce?
6. What are the key differences between leading and managing?

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