English 1.

rewrite the paper grammatically correct

In terms of development for myself, I’m focusing on things which I have always had some relation to when I was younger.
This conclusive path I want to follow is brought about over years of thought and accumulation of ideas through the realization of my talents.
As for the past few years I’ve been working hard at becoming a very fit person, so two of my goals correlate towards things requiring fitness
I was also playing the piano from the age of six, so I recognized a talent early on, allowing me to build on it and set a clear outline of my goal because of my musical identification.
I need to brainstorm ideas for lyrics and compile a list of songs which are made by top bands in my chosen genre, while listening to each song and gaining a greater understanding on which type of rhythmic patterns are associated to that genre.
This will enable me to create a song of the same standard, which will allow me to infiltrate the market share for that specific type.
Creating an image can be achieved by creating a fun loving visual image associated with most of the pop stars.
I need to find a guitarist, a bass guitarist and a drummer to accompany my singing and piano playing. They can provide input on aspects of the song, helping to achieve a higher success rate through collective ideas.
Record audio and make adjustments
Recording the audio in a proper music studio is very important, because they have the best equipment available and they also have sound technicians which edit the voice if a few notes are slightly off the pitch that it should be.
By hiring a producer, he can direct the music video, making it a polished version.
By marketing it on social networks and radio stations etc., it allows for more people to hear it, helping me gain awareness.
It’s very important that I reduce my current body fat to the stage of competition conditioning, because adding muscle on top of a high percentage of body fat will make it more difficult to cut off the extra body fat gained during the muscle gain stage.
I don’t have enough lean muscle mass to appear proportionate for a Men’s Health cover shoot. By building up another 5-6kg’s of muscle, it allows me to gain a comparative advantage
Change my hair to a more suitable style and color, helping me looks better.
This allows me to improve on the posing required for photo-shoots and assess my weak points, also allowing me to test out different ways of dropping water retention before a shoot.
Send in my best and most recent picture to the men’s health magazine and hope that it’s enough, if not, build more muscle and get better conditioning.
By sand boarding for a few months on the beach, it will allow me to achieve a better balance and simulate the concept of snowboarding so when I do go to an actual snowboarding place, I’ll have a head start on learning it by miles.
I already have a sand board, I just need to get some wax for the board to make it rid able.
This is easier said than done, although I do have a natural balance so I’m estimating that this might not be such a problem.
It will also involve getting the correct type of technique, which I can research on the internet allowing me to achieve this.
In Johannesburg, there is an indoor snowboarding practice area, and in hogs back it snows which means that I can finally practice on real snow.
By practicing for the next few years at every opportunity I can get, it means that I can finally enter a snowboarding contest. I want to win when I enter so I can shock the spectators, as a new competitor.
That would be my dream when it comes to achieving my goal to the highest potential. Coming from as place with hardly any or no snow, it would be quite an achievement.
In conclusion, the goals in the preceding slides can be achieved through careful planning, but the most important goal to me still stands as being a professional musician, even after careful deliberation.
If I had to choose between them it would be a hard choice though, but the benefits from a musician outweigh the benefits from the other goals which can be achieved once the first goal is complete.

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