Explore three commercial Web pages in a particular industry or segment of your choice (this could be restaurants, retail stores, etc- but they must all be in the same industry or business).

Your course project should have 3 Web Page Evaluations and a Summary page. You will be graded on content, presentation, and how you evaluate the content using principles from your text. Your summary page should incorporate analytical skills and reasoning as to why you chose a particular page over another.
Part I. Web Page Evaluation
a. Explore three commercial Web pages in a particular industry or segment of your choice (this could be restaurants, retail stores, etc- but they must all be in the same industry or business).
b. Complete a Home Page Evaluation sheet for each business you analyze and provide a critical appraisal of what you find at each site. You should have a minimum of 3 separate pages for Part 1. This critique should include answers to the following questions:
1. What is the purpose of the company in developing the site?
2. Does the site convey a positive or useful message for the company?
3. Who is the intended audience?
4. What information content is provided?
5. What business model is the site following?
6. What functions are provided?
7. Does the company generate revenues from the site? How?
8. What costs are associated with generating those revenues?
9. Is the site well designed from the point-of-view of clarity, ease of use, speed of access?
10. How well does the company use design and layout features?
11. Is the site aesthetically pleasing?
12. What are the benefits of the structure provided by the company?
13. What does the company do to provide a competitive advantage?
14. What features supporting ecommerce (security, transaction management, information collection, navigation, search engine, site map, index, help, easily available policies) does the site support?
15. How broad is the coverage of the content?
16. What currency (ies) are accepted? How are they accommodated?
Part II. Summary
Summarize what you have learned by examining the different sites. Answer each one of these questions using a summary of all 3 sites you evaluate. Use the following questions.
1. Are the sites useful?
2. Are different strategies being employed? If so, what?
3. Would you recommend any company’s approach over the others?
4. How do you think these sites will evolve?
5. Can you develop a general framework that will help other companies in this industry do a better job of designing their Web sites?
6. Of the 3 sites you evaluated, which one would you recommend as the “best” site? Why?

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