(with in-text citations,peer reviewed articles and critical analysis on the subject matter from abstract,introduction, body and conclusion)
Aim and Objectives
To facilitate an understanding of likely environmental impacts associated with oil and gas exploration and production.
10. Learning Outcomes
On completion of this item of coursework you should be able to:
1. Evaluate spheres of the environment that may be impacted and manage the interaction of project actions on key environmental receptors;
2. Apply operating principles of EIA to critically evaluate the broad environmental and social impacts of petroleum extraction and processing.
11. Procedure
Background Information
Following years of hydrocarbon exploration in the tropical rainforest biome of South America: Paraná Basin (see Fig. 1), a new bidding process requires that an environmental licence be obtained prior to the call for tenders and allocation of blocks. This new tendering procedure intends to safeguard bidder’s investment by avoiding the risk of winning oil blocks in sensitive areas that could later be declined environmental permit. Therefore, an IOC aims to produce an environmental assessment report to support its bid prior to the commencement of exploration and production activities in one of the blocks
Figure 1: Map of South America – (A) Parana Basin in red polygon; (B) Barra Bonita field from where the block will be allocated.
Details of specific block to be awarded:
a. Type: Sedimentary (Paraná) basin
b. Approx. size of block: 3,282 km2 (within Brazil)
c. Main E&P activities include: (i) Seismic data acquisition to build 3D
picture of the basin. It includes line
preparation using heavy duty slashers etc
(ii) Drilling rig operation (weathering layer/ shothole)
(iii) Vibrator trucks and geophone operation
(iv) Routine operations such as refuelling etc.
Your tasks
1. Identify key environmental receptors that may be affected as a result of the E&P activities listed above;
2. Critically analyse the environmental impacts associated with the E&P activities outlined above including how to manage the interaction of project actions and the environmental receptors identified in (1.) above. NB: utilising relevant aspects of EIA operating principles would be a useful approach.