this time my case study is free choice case study. It means I can choose any company for talking about its management problem. But need to focus on its “Process”. And if found any problem on its “Process” management and then need to use the knowledge of “Systems”(especially IT systems : if possible for finding) and “Operations Management”.
This subject need to be done in two times. This time only need to do the PART 1. (the files which I send together inside I noticed the PART 1 with big letter and red color)
That is make a PowerPoint file
(I prefer the writer could make 10 pages and with 5 or 6 references) and write about 1,000 words comment! So I think 10 slides could be around 300~400 words and plus 1,000 words comment.
In future(maybe one month later) when I get the teacher’s feedback I will order Part 2 for 5,000 words comment and detail Power Point file again.
The deadline is UK summer TIME 6th of May(Monday) 24:00. So if you can please send it few hours before and let me have a check.
And last time I have used your service( my last order number is 653289). I strongly want the same writer help me again. And if he want also this time can talk about same company—Samsung electron mobile AGAIN! Of course need to focus on the “Process” problem. Because the same writer already read and learned it a lot.