




This assessment will require the analysis of the hospitality industry of a country.

This is a group project and the groups will be formed in the first week of class. presentations .


Assessment Objectives or Rationale:

To assess objectives/outcomes 1-6


Assessment Task:

This task has two assessable components: Part1: A PowerPoint presentation. The presentation should be no longer than 25 minutes.  Your group must research the chosen country in your final presentation.  Part2: An accompanying written report including all the required materials and their references (min. 1000 words).


Possible areas of research:


Attractiveness of the domestic tourism; Who are its key players; The importance of the Hotel industry; Tourism in numbers and figures; National and International tourism; Customer profiles; Customer choices/ Product choices; Etc.


Assessment Criteria:

In assessing the presentation and accompanying document, the following criteria will be taken into account:

  • Interpretation of the task
  • Development of a logical and well ordered presentation
  • Ability to organise relevant material to support your argument
  • Knowledge of relevant hospitality research
  • Critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of relevant evidence
  • Clear and well supported conclusions
  • Clarity, style and coherence of the oral and written work




Recommended Reading:

Good grades will depend also on evidence of a good research



The section on plagiarism in the Student Handbook will be strictly applied.


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