The 2nd set of Journal Entries should deal with subjects covered in Chapters 22 – 27
Your written requirement will be a History Journal which you will submit 3 times during the term (refer to the schedule/calendar for recommended due dates). You can write about whatever you want, but it is best to use the textbook to study with. Your writings, each time you submit them, will consist of 10 separate journal entries (30 by the end of the course). Each entry:
•will contain a minimum of 120 words,
•will consist of a summary, paraphrase, synthesis of material you are reading/studying in this course. You will, of course, be reading your textbook at a minimum, but I encourage you to read collateral historical writings on topics being studied.
•must be written in your own words–do not quote verbatim the words of a published author, and will contain the subject matter you are learning–not whether you agree or disagree. Our study involves, first and foremost, learning the nation’s past and doing that requires study of previously published studies.
Grading Criteria For EACH Time You Submit your Journals (3 times):
•Are there ten entries?
•Is each entry a minimum of 120 words?
•Does each entry pertain to United States history from 1877?
•Do the entries appear to me to be written in the student’s own words?
Each set of journal entries will be have the value of 50 points, or 150 points total.
If you submit only half the required length and number of journal entries, then you will receive half the points available.
Each journal entry may be on separate topics OR you may wish to write two or more journal entries on a single topic.
FOR YOUR AND FOR MY EASE, please number your entries by heading them Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, etc.
When submitting your first set of journal entries, title your file as 1st Set of Journal Entries.
The 2nd set of Journal Entries should deal with subjects covered in Chapters 22 – 27.