Laboratory medicine project business plan

The purpose of this essay is to develop a business plan based upon a project that you have been given. Your business plan should contain all the key elements including background, executive summary, situational and problem statement, project description, solution description, cost/benefit analysis, implementation timeline, critical assumptions and risk assessments and conclusions and
Imagine you are a team member of a large public hospital pathology service and you have been asked to formulate a business case to support an initiative of introducing a new satellite section close to the intensive care unit of a hospital to provide a stat lab encompassing ‘Clinical Biochemistry’. You have been briefed that you could expect to process approximately 50 samples
per day. The scenario is that you are setting it up a stat lab for first time in a moderately sized pathology service located adjacent to ICU (physical space and facility has been made available). You will need to consider staffing for the stat lab in Clinical Biochemistry area, infrastructure (equipment) and kind of service (routine clinical biochemistry)

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