Organizational Leadership-Trust in the Workplace

Correia Rodrigues, A., & de Oliveira Marques Veloso, A. (2013). Organizational Trust, Risk and Creativity. Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 15(49), 545-561. doi:10.7819/rbgn.v15i49.1334
Using the article listed above, write an annotated bibliography. One page in length for the summary, using APA format (, and one page for the reflection. An annotated bibliography includes a citation, a summary, and a reflection on the article reviewed. Citations must be provided in APA format. Summaries should help a person who has not read the article quickly gather the key information contained in it. Summaries should:
Be a minimum of 3 paragraphs
Share the central points of the article
Make it possible for others who have not read the article, able to understand the focus and scope of the source.
Reflections are a personal discussion of the contents of the article. Reflections should:
Be a minimum of two paragraphs
Discuss how the source helps you answer your guiding question and sub questions (What role does trust play in the workplace? How does trust enable innovation? Why is trust necessary for productivity?) Share exactly how you plan to APPLY this information as a leader
Share how this information reminds you of personal/professional experience

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