Order Instructions:
Personal Data Outline: This should be completed in lieu of the statement
of purpose. Please provide this data in a narrative form, single-spaced,
not to exceed 4 pages total.
A. Professional Overview: What are your goals in this field? Other than
studying at NYU, outline at least three steps you plan to take to reach
those goals. Why do you wish to study in this field at the graduate level?
B. Self-Appraisal: What major assets do you present to support your
selection for training in this program? What are your present weaknesses
and limitations? In what ways do you think New York University may help
you? What other steps have you taken or do you plan to take to improve
yourself academically, vocationally, personally, or otherwise?
C. Research Ideas: Cite several current business topics related to the
present state of any sector of the music industry. Select one topic and
suggest how you would research it on the graduate level