Essay One: The Personal Narrative
Write a personal narrative of approximately 750 words related to health and health care, the theme of the course. In your essay, relate a personal experience you have had that is related to this theme and explain the significance that this experience has had for you. Organize your narrative in essay form with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Also, be sure to give your essay a title. Include relevant details and dialogue (if appropriate) to allow the reader to share in your experience. This essay counts as 10% of the final course grade in ENG 111. The essay will be graded on the elements of focus, content, organization, and correctness.
[Focus]: The essay has a clear thesis that provides a focus for the narrative; this thesis guides the writing throughout the paper. This thesis may be placed at the introduction or conclusion of the essay.
[Content]: The essay is well developed with sufficient details and use of dialogue to allow the reader to share in the experience that is the subject of the essay.
[Organization]: The essay is organized logically and coherently. The paragraphs are related, and they lead smoothly from one to another. No ambiguity or illogical thought affects the discussion.
[Correctness]: The essay is written in standard English. If the writing contains minor errors (an occasional spelling error or an error in grammar), the errors do not detract from the purpose of the writing.