Policy Issue: The desired U.S. policy outcome with respect to Iran includes the successful realization of a number of factors. It involves a stable Iran that (1) is a active participant in the world economy, including providing a stable source of oil production and supply; (2) does not threaten is neighbors, including Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan, either through its own actions, or the actions of affiliated non-state actors (like Hezbollah); and (3) does not possess a nuclear weapon. One of the most difficult things with respect to this analysis is how to balance the various interests of the United States in order to create a comprehensive policy that achieves desired policy outcome (3), without creating grave risks to desired outcomes (1) and (2). If this is the desired U.S. policy outcome then what is the best policy approach to adopt – continued diplomatic sanctions or a preemptive military strike? Or is there another option that we should be considering?
In addressing this question, I expect you to engage in the policy analysis that we have been doing throughout the course. Reference the authors in your textbooks and supplemental readings where appropriate, and state your own position.