For each essay assignment, you will be presented with a question or set of questions. You are expected to respond with a clear, concise, original essay. Your essays are expected to contain relevant, original, accurate content, and to be written well. You will be graded within the context of the course topic as well as the quality of your written essays.
Formatting Requirements: 12pt font size, Times New Roman font. Indent first line of each paragraph. Do not skip any lines between paragraphs. You should include your name on the first line of the essay, and optionally a title for your essay (don’t skip lines between name and title). You may skip one line before the first paragraph of the essay.
You might find it useful to peruse the “Ai in the News” website ( to see examples of where AI is being applied today informulating your vision for its future.
• What problems or tasks should AI researchers focus on developing systems to solve?
• Are there problems/tasks/etc that AI should not be used for? If so, what problems and why?
• Pose a challenge problem for AI and discuss why you think it is a worthy challenge.
You don’t need to limit your essay to the above questions. This list of questions is meant to help get you started. The main requirement is that your essay considers the future role of AI in society.
Make sure you clearly and concisely state and defend a well formulated thesis using accurate supporting points. This is not a research paper, so you are not expected to conduct extensive research.