Course: Introduction to Nonprofit and Non-Governmental Organizations
Learning Journals involve the critical assessment and reflection on ideas and issues that are relevant to the topics covered in this course.Items for writing learning journals may come from, but are not limited to: journal articles, magazines, newspaper items, films, etc.
The task of the Learning Journal is for you to apply concepts you have learned from this course to an item you have chosen. You are expected to include a 5 page (double spaced 12 point font) account of the relationship and relevance of the item to a topic or an issue we have examined in this course. Possible topics may include but are not limited to Fundraising, Volunteerism, Governance, Human Resource Management, Leadership, History of Nonprofits, current trends in nonprofits etc (except ALS or ice bucket challenge). You will choose a different course concept for the Learning Journal.
It is critical that you offer your own critical reflections on the issues raised in the journal item. It will be graded on the basis of: 1. Structure and Organization (4 marks): Demonstration of a clearly introduced topic that includes an introduction and a conclusion. A clearly articulated roadmap outlining the purpose and scope of the learning journal that provides a solid “roadmap” for the reader. The journal must also demonstrate effective written communication, including spelling, grammar, etc with 2 sources cited.
2. Relevance (8 marks): Demonstration of reflection and relationship to core concepts and course readings. The journal shows the students mastery of course material through clearly articulated of application of relevant course concepts to the item chosen for analysis and evaluation. This would include a clear recognition of vocabulary, concepts and themes presented in the readings and class discussion by utilizing each throughout the journal submission.
3. Understanding (8 marks): How creative, original and insightful it is and that it clearly demonstrates what you have learned from the item you have selected. The journal will illustrate proficiency to translate the concepts presented in class lecture, discussion and readings into a practical integration. Demonstrates an ability to incorporate the reading of items chosen to the core concepts covered in the course material to demonstrate mastery of the material.