RWBI BIO0226 Assignment One – Identifying Themes and Concerns for the Benefit of the Individual Business Manager: Lectures One and Two
Your answer should be in an assignment format.
Tutor referral will apply to this assessment component. Tutor – referred work must be resubmitted one week after notification.
The assignment will be assessed in relation to thematic connections, evidenced argumentation and structured insights and reflection.
Criteria | 0-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70 or above |
Thematic connections – The work will clearly demonstrate the building of a coherent argument built from the unstructured content from guest speaker contributions. Description should be avoided, instead critically evaluating the content that relates to a strategic perspective. | Limited or no meaningful connections offered between the lectures demonstrating a lack of understanding. Work is descriptive. | Basic thematic connections and commentary are offered demonstrating some unique understanding. Work is descriptive. | The thematic connections between the lectures are offered with some meaningful interpretations but the more critical nature of these is not appreciated. Work is descriptive with an attempt at critical evaluation. | A good development of thematic connections between the lectures and appreciation of their complex nature. The work is critically evaluative | Excellent development of the thematic connections and critical evaluation of the relationship between these. Detailed discussion and examples to support accurate conclusions. |
Evidenced argumentation – Assignments will give strong argued reasoning for the points raised. They will demonstrate wider reading and cite examples from the lectures in support. A wide variety of academic materials is recommended including textbooks, journal articles and reliable websites all of which should be accurately referenced.
Reliance on lecture notes and lack of academic evidence to support the thematic connections and arguments. | Research has been undertaken and arguments offered but are limited in breadth. Mainly reliant on textbooks/ internet sites. | Research and arguments supported by journal articles, textbooks, previous learning and internet sites recommended on the reading list. | Research and arguments are academically based and appropriate examples used. A limited amount of original material included. | Extensive reading and original research to support the arguments. Numerous relevant and academic examples researched to support the discussion, |
Structured insights and reflection – There will be an appropriate level of coherency in the argument where the unstructured ideas have been brought together to offer key points along with personal reflection. Appropriate assignment format. | Weak structure and not in assignment format. Poor coherency. Poor presentation, reflection and referencing not using the Harvard system. | Assignment format is used but not effectively as possible. Presentation, reflection and coherency should be satisfactory. Attempt made to reference using the Harvard system but may not be accurate. | Assignment format used and appropriate. Reflections and coherency are good. Reasonably presented. Bibliography/ referencing used but may contain errors. | Assignment format used with good standard of presentation, coherency and reflection. Meaningful reflection. Bibliography/ referencing should be accurate using the Harvard system but may contain minor errors. | Very good assignment structure with discussion being logically developed, very coherent. Significant reflection made, including links to the ideas themselves. High standard of presentation and accurate bibliography/ referencing using the Harvard system. |
RWBI BIO0226 Assignment Two – Identifying Themes and Concerns to support Strategic Direction: a paper for the attention of the Board of Directors: Lectures Three, Four and Five
Your answer should be in an assignment format.
Tutor referral will apply to this assessment component. Tutor – referred work must be resubmitted one week after notification.
The assignment will be assessed in relation to thematic connections, evidenced argumentation and structured insights and reflection.
Criteria | 0-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70 or above |
Thematic connections – The work will clearly demonstrate the building of a coherent argument built from the unstructured content from guest speaker contributions. Description should be avoided, instead critically evaluating the content that relates to a strategic perspective. | Limited or no meaningful connections offered between the lectures demonstrating a lack of understanding. Work is descriptive. | Basic thematic connections and commentary are offered demonstrating some unique understanding. Work is descriptive. | The thematic connections between the lectures are offered with some meaningful interpretations but the more critical nature of these is not appreciated. Work is descriptive with an attempt at critical evaluation. | A good development of the thematic connections between the lectures and appreciation of its complex nature. The work is critically evaluative | Excellent development of the thematic connections and critical evaluation of the relationship between these. Detailed discussion and examples to support accurate conclusions. |
Evidenced argumentation – Assignments will give strong argued reasoning for the points raised. They will demonstrate wider reading and cite examples from the lectures in support. A wide variety of academic materials is recommended including textbooks, journal articles and reliable websites all of which should be accurately referenced.
Reliance on lecture notes and lack of academic evidence to support the thematic connections and arguments. | Research has been undertaken and arguments offered but are limited in breadth. Mainly reliant on textbooks/ internet sites. | Research and arguments supported by journal articles, textbooks, previous learning and internet sites recommended on the reading list. | Research and arguments are academically based and appropriate examples used. A limited amount of original material included. | Extensive reading and original research to support the arguments. Numerous relevant and academic examples researched to support the discussion. |
Structured insights and reflection – There will be an appropriate level of coherency in the argument where the unstructured ideas have been brought together to offer key points along with personal reflection. Appropriate assignment format. | Weak structure and not in assignment format. Poor coherency. Poor presentation, reflection and referencing not using the Harvard system. | Assignment format is used but not effectively as possible.. Presentation, reflection and coherency is satisfactory. Attempt made to reference using the Harvard system but may not fully accurate. | Assignment format used and appropriate. Reflections and coherency are good. Reasonably presented. Bibliography/ referencing used but may contain errors. | Assignment format used with good standard of presentation, coherency and reflection. Meaningful reflection. Bibliography/ referencing should be accurate using the Harvard system but may contain minor errors. | Very good assignment structure with discussion being logically developed, very coherent. Significant reflection made, including links to the ideas themselves. High standard of presentation and accurate bibliography/ referencing using the Harvard system. |