This paper is a 3 page literary analysis here are the professors instructions:
Paper Three: A Literary AnalysisOriginalityCheck enabled
English 2157
3rd essay assignment
Your next assignment is an interpretation of Anton Chekhov’s short story, “The Doctor” (1887). Chekhov was a Russian doctor who wrote fiction and plays in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The story is available on the top secret homepage on Cougarview.
You should approach the story by using the skills discussed in Chapter 10 of A Short Guide to Writing About Literature. Consider the role in the story of character, of plot, of point of view, of symbolism, of setting. Here are some of the many questions you might ask yourself about the story:
� What is the role of conflict in the story? How does your response to the story change when you become aware of the major conflict between the two characters?
� With which character do you sympathize? Why?
� Is the story in any way ironic? Does it contain surprises you didn’t expect?
� What is the role of setting? Does the setting offer symbols that help us understand the story better? How does the conflict between the characters change as the time of day changes?
�What role does point of view play in the story?
Your final essay should be 850-1,000 words. Remember that interpretive essays are arguments which require a clear thesis; to receive a high grade, your essay will need to develop the thesis consistently and logically. Don’t be reluctant to use clear imagery and metaphor, or to vary sentence structure; good style can help you make your argument. Yes, you must use specific quotations from the story to back up your ideas; yes, those quotations need to be introduced clearly and analyzed carefully.
The short story is called “The Doctor” by Anton Chekov
Here is a link to the essay :
Please include quotes from the story
and feel free to email or cal me with any questions ! THANK YOU