Summarize the advice in each chapter. What do Graff and Birkenstein want you to understand about academic writing? You might quote or paraphrase what you take to be the most important part of each chapter and explain why it seems important.

Assignment: Read TSIS chapters 1-3. Then write a journal entry answering the questions below.
1. Summarize the advice in each chapter. What do Graff and Birkenstein want you to understand about academic writing? You might quote or paraphrase what you take to be the most important part of each chapter and explain why it seems important.
2. Reflect on how the advice in the chapters adds on to your own knowledge. What did you already know? What specific information was new? How will this information affect what you do when you write? Are there ways in which you’ve been following this advice without being aware of the moves you were making? For instance, in the letter you wrote after viewing Sound and Fury, did you use a They Say/I Say format? And what do you think of chapter 3? Does its advice about integrating quotations give you ideas for your rhetorical analysis essay?

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