his course has covered American history from the presidency of Andrew Johnson to George W. Bush. In this period, 26 men served as president. In an essay of 500-600 words, which president do you think left the boldest mark on American History? Why? Your essay should present the events that serve as a hallmark to his career and a clear explanation of not only the events but also their impact upon the course of American history.
The answer to this question should contain a minimum 535-word response.
b. Spelling and grammar will impact the grade. Make certain to proofread each response carefully before clicking on the submit button.
c. General encyclopedias are not acceptable sources.
i. Examples include, but are not limited to, Wikipedia, Encarta, and World Book.
d. Make certain the course textbook is used as a reference and all of your sources (including your textbook) are referenced at the end of your response and that the information within your response is cited to show the difference between your ideas and your sources. Each question will have at least two citations, with one citation coming from the textbook.