U.S. intelligence

What are the recurring strategic themes in the history of U.S. intelligence that seem relevant to all the significant reforms discussed in this course?

This is a standard persuasive essay. Ensure you construct your paper to frame a clear argument that covers all the specifics of the essay question. Every paragraph must directly support that argument. It is a good idea to construct an outline first, with the 3 or 4 main points that support the argument to be used as topic sentences.

The US intelligence community has undergone dramatic change at three points in the last 100 years: in the post-World War II/early Cold War era, the Congressional investigations of the 1970s, and in the post-9/11 and Iraq War era.

What are the recurring strategic themes (occur in all three eras above) in the history of U.S. intelligence that seem relevant to all the significant reforms discussed in this course (again, only discuss the themes relevant to all three eras in question, but try and capture ALL of them)? Have the reforms that occurred in each era been reactive in trying to deal with past events or are the reforms forward-looking and proactive with the point of dealing with future trends and patterns in national security? TIP: Remember to differentiate bewteen the strategic themes and the reforms themselves. Example: The Office of Naval Intelligence was created in 1882 as an intelligence reform. The catalyst for reform was the international crisis when the US seized and held a British flagged ship in its blockade of the southern ports during the Civil War and the US Navy’s was unable to track British ships during the crisis. If this catalyst was similar to catalysts in previous reforms, then it is a strategic theme that recurs. So, the strategic theme that led to the reform was the expanding US naval presence on the global oceans and increasing US maritime commerce with international partners.[this is an example, which does not work for this essay because it occurred before WWII]. Including appropriate graphics into your final essay will be looked upon favorably.

– Provide List of References in correct Turabian Reference style.

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