Using technology to increase academic success

Instructions for the writer:


I am going to request your assistance on my final paper. It is going to be between 5-7 pages long and I am prepared to put a big investment into it. I need you to do one quick assignment for me though.

I need a reference page to what I am going to use for that final paper.

The final topic is: “Using technology to increase academic success”.

I have the “Final Paper Template” listed in the Assignment 8 instructions below with this attachment. I guess the class is asking me to work off of that template.

For the topic, ‘Using technology to increase academic success” please find me 3 new references.


Foust, J. E., Bergen, P., Maxeiner, G. L., & Pawlowski, P. N. (2007). Improving e-book access via a library-developed full-text search tool. Journal Of The Medical Library Association, 95(1), 40-45.

Daly, J. (2012, October 1). How Technology is Powering Academic Success [Infographic]. Retrieved from

Please put the references (These two) plus the new ones you find that you will use when I order the 5-7 page assignment. Please put them in Alphabetical order. Or however a proper APA 6th edition reference page is supposed to look like.

The running head needs to be: Using technology to increase academic success

I am not sure what the Instructor is asking for the text so please work on the 1st page and the reference page. This should be easy. I am heading out to the field in a few minutes that is why I need help with this assignment.

Assignment 8: Creating an APA Title Page and Reference Page

For the Title Page

Click the link Final Paper Template, open the file, then save the paper template to your desktop or mobile device. Complete the title page and include the Running head, the title of your final paper, and your name, class name, university name, and instructor’s name. A traditional APA 6th edition title page would not include your class, university, or instructor’s names however these are included for our purposes in College 100.

For the Reference Page

With the Final Paper Template you are utilizing for the first part of this assignment, the Title Page, create a second page. On this second page, which will become the last page(s) of your final paper, create an APA 6th edition reference page following the format illustrated in the Week 5 Lesson. Place each of the references you plan to use for your final paper in the document. List at least three references in the reference page utilizing the sources located using the Library Navigation assignment from Week 4 and any additional references you have found for your paper.

Align the reference citations using APA 6th edition format, checking for correct formatting based on the Lesson information provided to you, list in alphabetical order, apply the same text font and style (Times New 12 point), double space all text in your document, and use hanging indents for the individual citations.

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