Assignment: You were doing an exam in Statics class,after grading the instructor noticed you have the same work with other students and considered cheating so you received a zero in the test. watch a short clip on Youtube regarding classroom integrity on exams,the film “Shattered Glass”, and write a reflection paper regarding what have you learned from both incident and the viewing The link to the short clip in YouTube: the movie is Shattered Glass. Assignment Questions: 1- Summarize the issues surrounding the violation. 2- Identify and describe your level of responsibility for the incident. How could you have prevented the violation from occurring ? 3-How did the youtube clip relate to the incident you were involved in? What was the professor’s response to his students? Discuss the professor’s reaction and how it parallels this incident in Statics class. Why? 4- How did Shattered Glass relate to this incident you were involved in? What are the main themes/lessons that the movie promotes?How did the main Character’s actions affect not only his reputation,but the others around him?How can this be related to your actions? 5- Overall,How do both viewings impact (if at all) your future propensity to cheat or plagiarize on academic work?How will this transcend to when you graduate?