Identify an adverse trend (across multiple patients) that could occur within your organization.
Part I: Flow Chart
Create a flow chart or step-by-step guide identifying how you will collect, review, and apply data to make a decision that will affect patient care in general.
• Identify the steps you will take to collect, review, and apply data to make a decision that will affect patient care.
• List the type and source of information needed in each step.
• Identify the technologies used in each step.
Part II: Paper
Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper explaining the flow chart or step-by-step guide.
• Describe how you may become aware of the trend in question and why you would want to investigate further.
• Describe the data you would need to collect, the source(s), and why you would need this data.
• Describe the data collection methods you would use and why.
• Describe how the data would affect your response to the adverse trend.
• Explain how you will use the technology in each step.
• Describe any regulatory, legal, and ethical issues related to the use of data and the technologies used.
Include at least three peer-reviewed references, and develop an APA-formatted reference page.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Attach the flow chart and reference page as appendices to the paper.
12 points possible Points available Points earned
• Describes how the student became aware of the adverse trend and why they would want to investigate further. 2.0
• Data collection methods are specified in the flow chart and explained in the paper 2.0
• Type and sources of information needed are specified in the flow chart and explained in the paper 2.0
• Technology needs are specified in the flow chart and explained in the paper 2.0
• Describes in detail how the data will be used to affect the adverse trend and patient care 2.0
• Describes any regulatory, legal, and ethical issues related to the use of data and the technologies used 2.0
3 points possible Points available Points earned
• Flow chart or step-by-step guide is formatted appropriately and attached to paper as an appendix
• Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation
• Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow
• Consistent with APA guidelines for formatting and citation of outside works
• Meets required word count
• Includes required number of peer-reviewed references. 3