
Forger, Gary (2005, Apr.) “Kirkland’s New Home,” Modern Materials Handling (Warehousing Management Edition), Boston Vol60, Iss. 4: pg 22.

Napolitano, Maida, (2007, Dec.) “Value Turns Warehouse into DCs” Modern Material Handling (Warehousing Management Edition). Boston: Dec 2007, Vol. 62, Iss 13, pg.55.

Assignment: Based on the readings write a paper discussing contemporary warehousing functions and Warehouse Management Systems.

Assignment Expectations: Be sure to include discussion of the following:

Contrast the differences between contemporary warehousing functions versus those of the recent past (25 years ago).
Explain the role and importance Value Added Services (VAS), Cross-Docking and other innovations play in contemporary Warehouse Management Systems (WMS).
Assess if Kirkland?s new warehousing operations exemplifies a ?state-of-the-art? warehouse.

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