Analyse the inter-relationship between information systems and organizations.

Literature Review of the topic “Big Data”
This assignment allows the student to explore and critically evaluate the literature on ONE selected aspect of current information systems from the list of possible topics given below:
• Supply Chain Systems,
• Knowledge Management,
• Architecture and Infrastructure Management,
• Cloud Computing
• Business Impacts of Mobile Technologies,
• Social Networking Systems/Social Media,
• Big Data. (Please use this as the topic to discuss)
The findings are then presented as a brief literature review. Students also need to present one of these topics as a group (the topic student chooses for their Presentation does not have to be the same for the Literature Review).
Learning Outcome being Assessed
• LO1: Evaluate the business environment within which information systems management operates.
• LO2: Analyse the inter-relationship between information systems and organizations.
• LO3: Select and justify appropriate policies for managing and controlling information and information systems within organizations.
• LO5: Demonstrate competence in communicating knowledge in strategic management for information systems (Part 1).

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