Characteristics of anecdotal records.

Anecdotal records for Ava, Lilah, Jordan
Characteristics of anecdotal records:
Simple report of behavior
result of direct behavior
Accurate and specific
Gives content of child’s behavior
Records typical or unusual behaviors
Purpose: These records of child’s behavior and learning environment to enhance the teacher’s understanding of the individual.
Create individual records over a period of time from januarary 6 -May 5.
Record and Observe each individual over a period of time.
1.)About 10 records per individual child at each area for Ava, Lilah, and Jordan.
2.) Child Narrative background for individual – Describe the child, characteristics,. age, etc.
Do not state other children’s names in record of the individual . Refer to child as “A” said to Liliah that she wont be her friend anymore if she didn’t share the book. Lilah said i dont care.
Format for the Records:
Child’s name:
Date & time:
Place of learning center: 2 yr rm ( bug room) -( circle or highlight one) Free play, block center, art center, circle time, sensory-bin,outside, easel, music
Observe Event and Behavior:
jordan play at the sensory table playing with magnetic letters and pulled out the letter ” b” and “A” and random letters out of the table and announce them to the teacher .
( Ava ) looking at pictures on the book center, reading the book and staring at the pictures. she had the book far away from her. Keeping to herself and quietly turning the pages.
(Lilah ) Morning Circle- Circle time has already started and Lilah arrived late during circle time. She cried and she said to her mom she didnt want her to leave.
Lilah- Circle time- Arrived late. sat down and quietly went to her spot during circle time but wanted to sit right next to her teacher . she tried to sit on her lap but the teacher to sit on shape just let everybody else.
Lilah – Arrived late after circle time. Refuse to take off her jacket and scream and out the room for her mother. Teacher went off to get her and cried even louder. people from the other rooms were wondering who was crying. She plop next to the door and refuse to talk or speak to anyone and cried . Teacher came to talk to her once more and said she will help her if she used her big girl words and then she could help her. the teacher she doesnt understand her when she is crying. ( teacher left) for a little bit to attend another child. The assistant teacher in the room said she sat at the carpet and played for a little bit she would be the next one to do the activity but she must stop crying and sit play at the carpet and wait her turn until she was ready. ( Lilah stop crying and sat at carpet and continued to play with blocks and waited patiently for her name to be called for the activity.)

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