Choose articles based on original research that come from scholarly journals.

A minimum of 5 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles must be incorporated and properly cited in your paper (you may need to use more than 5 scholarly articles to properly cover the topic which you want to present in your paper). Choose articles based on original research that come from scholarly journals.
Popular media such as Psychology Today, U.S. News and World Report, websites, blogs, dictionaries, encyclopedias such as Encarta and Wikipedia,, or other such sites are not permitted, and must not be cited or referenced in your paper. You will need to select your articles carefully from only peer-reviewed, academic journals.Paper is double-spaced with 1-inch top, bottom, left and right margins, and in Arial or Times New Roman styles, size 10 – 12 font. Cover page, paper body, citations and Reference list were in the correct APA format.

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