Create a personal life case analysis for your life. What did you do? How would you have done it differently?

1. Understand and distinguish between the following terms:
1. Moral
2. Ethical
3. Values
4. Legal
2. Describe the following major ethical approaches:
1. Kant
2. Utilitarian
3. Virtues/Aristotle
4. Confucian
5. Golden Rule
3. Describe their personal values, ethics, and morals.
4. Be able to analyze the ethical issues in a case (in general, and in particular the following two cases):
1. Create a personal life case analysis for your life. What did you do? How would you have done it differently?
2. What major 2-3 issues will you encounter in your career/industry/field, and how will you deal with them?
This is a two part assignment
Part 1: Watch the following videos before class. Come prepared to debate each approach for a particular case.
Read the page at

Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics:

The Golden Rule:
Part 2: After the class debate, you are required to write a 2-3 page reflective paper on the following topics.
• Summarize your assigned ethical position.
• What did you learn from the discussion?
• What position do you personally hold on this topic?
• What ethical theory is it most similar to?

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