Compare and contrast The Wind in the Willows and The Golden Compass

Compare and contrast a significant aspect of the fantasy worlds created and sustained in these 2 books. To do this, find an element that intrigues you and explore the ways in which it is enacted within these two books, You might want to narrow and focus your topic to one of the following:
– a theme or big idea explored through the fantasy world- the “journey” them, for example, including the contrast between home and journey or the relationship and implications of place, journey, and security; the summoning voice; friendship/camaraderie;wildness
-nature of the setting or landscape that characterize the fantasy world
-nature of the characters who people the fantasy world
-the implicit rules of the fantasy worlds, limitations imposed upon them and the consistency with with which the rules are maintained.
-symbolism, symbolic objects or symbolic imagery within the fantasy worlds

The thesis statement should mention specifically the novels you will be exploring, encapsulate your central argument about them, and be capable of detailed support from both novels. In your term paper, this statement will appear in your introduction,probably as the last sentence, and will be developed and supported throughout the body essay by appropriate evidence from texts. It is a golden thread, weaving steadily through the entire paper and kept in view throughout. Make sure that it is interpretative and analytic statement, not a descriptive or explanatory one and not a statement of plot (critical comment is suggested)

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