As an HRM you must explain to the CEO the economic factors that guided in the development of a compensation and benefit package.

Explain how the regulations discussed in chapter three affects the compensation and benefit plan.
Provide an analysis of how the compensation and benefit plan will be managed.
Thoroughly explain how the economic factors guide you in the development of your plan.

Purpose of this assignment: This assignment is an exercise in your reasoning skills. As an HRM you must solve problems and the best way to solve a problem is to reason through it. The exercise provides you the means to think critically and to use the concepts, principles and processes that have been described in your readings, the peer discussions and the feedback in the discussions.

To be successful here you must describe the problem and then describe how your solution using the concepts from the text helps make the organization more effective. Talk about your solution from a strategic organization view.

Explain why you are making the assumptions you are making and explain why you took the point of view that you did. Offer two or more courses of action that you feel can solve the problem and then select the course of action that you would take.
1. State the issue or problem clearly and form a thesis. Worth 25% of the score.
· Express the problem in several ways to clarify its meaning and scope

2. Identify and justify your assumptions used for shaping your point of view. Worth 25% of your score.
· Clearly identify your assumptions and explain why or why they are not justifiable.
· Explain how your assumptions are shaping your point of view

3. Identify appropriate concepts from the text or other research to support your ideas. Worth 25% of your score.
· Identify key concepts and explain them clearly
· Consider and explain other concepts or alternative definitions of concepts.

4. Clearly stated a solution to the problem presented. Worth 25% of your score.
· Explain your solution to the problem based on the data from both the situation and the concepts from your readings and your research.
· Offer alternate solutions to the problem
· Explain the consequences to the organization for using and not using your solution.

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