Everyday sales items purchased online like soaps, juices, shampoos etc. have almost doubled between the year 2006 and 2010 and it is expected that these figures will keep doubling by 2014. Few years back, e-commerce was not expected to be what is now. It is clear that all businesses need to provide online services sooner or later to remain in the market. The same is true for mobile commerce. So now imagine that you want take advantage of the Internet and communication technologies for your business. Focus on the Tools and strategies needed to follow in order to implement electronic and mobile commerce in businesses. **Overall, write a description of the steps businesses need to follow to create an online presence, the required skills and tools and the opportunities and challenges of electronic and mobile commerce.
*Below is a list of sources to pick from, any two from below are required and the other three are your choice.
1.Watson, R. T., Berthon, P., Pitt, L. F., & Zinkhan, G. M. (2008). Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective Available from http://florida.theorangegrove.org/og/file/29589c3c-8bcd-72c1-b2f2-37789232eb3c/1/Electronic_Commerce.pdf
2.Tiwari, R., Buse, S., Herstatt, C. (2006). “From electronic to mobile commerce: opportunites through technology convergence for business services”. Asia Pacific Tech Monitor (New Delhi (India) 23 (5): 38–45. Retrieved from http://www.global-innovation.net/publications/PDF/APTM2006.pdf
3.Basu, A., & Muylle, S. (2007). How to Plan E-Business Initiative in Established Companies. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(1). Retrieved from http://www.business.ulst.ac.uk/intlbusiness/courses/bmg814m1/BasuEBusiness.pdf