Part I.
In your first assignment of this course, you were asked to define leadership. Based on this class and your own personal reflection on leadership, your definition likely changed. In a 3 page essay, clearly provide your personal definition of leadership. Discuss how your definition has changed and discuss why and how your definition resonates with you.
Part II.
A major part of leadership is setting a vision for those you lead and perhaps the most important person you will lead is yourself. As such, I have found it very beneficial for leaders to think about where they are heading. In a 5 page essay, discuss your plans and expected professional and personal milestones and accomplishments at the 2, 5 and 10 year marks of your life and career following graduation. Consider professional development plans such as graduate school or other certifications in your area of expertise.
As always, I will review drafts as I have time. I recommend you start early, clearly outline your essays, and review them multiple times prior to final submission.