MODULE TITLE: Learning and Talent Development
Course Work 1 [Contributes 50% to total module mark].
Learning Outcomes Being Assessed
1 Critically analyse and evaluate the formulation and implementation of processes of learning and talent development strategies for defining and achieving current and future effectiveness at national, organisational, group and individual levels.
2 Critically evaluate the potential and appropriateness of a range of learning and talent development strategies, policies and methods with reference to relevant contextual factors.
For your own organisation (or one with which you are familiar), write a report which critically analyses the internal and external contextual factors which impact upon the formulation and implementation of processes of learning and talent development strategies in that organisation.
You should include:
• The extent to which the organisation demonstrates the characteristics of Strategic Human Resource Development (SHRD)
• A critical view of the appropriateness of existing strategies, policies and methods taking account of the relevant contextual factors.
• Any analyses (SWOT/STEEPLE/ Cultural Web) undertaken in Appendices. These will not be marked but can be made reference to.
Assessment criteria
• Evidence of reading from academic and practitioner journal articles as well as core texts.
• A well-structured critical review which demonstrates a good understanding of internal and external factors which influence the process of learning and talent development in the organisation.
• Critical evaluation of materials and examples used
• Complete and accurate academic referencing using the CU Harvard system