Critically assess the role of a Museum or gallery by considering some of the following questions: -when and where was the museum/gallery founded

Assignment Brief:

client chose to write option 1 and suggested topic is Guggenheim Museum, New York or Museum of Modern Art, New York

Option 1: Critically assess the role of a Museum or gallery by considering some of the following questions:

-when and where was the museum/gallery founded?

-why was it founded? (here you will want to carefully assess public statements re the goal of the museum in light of some of the agendas of museums and galleries raised in class and in readings);

-who were the sponsors of the museum?

-How did (or does) the architecture and layout or modes of display of the museum/gallery relate to the function and goal of the institution.

-Given the museum/gallery’s mandate—consider whether the institution’s inclusions or exclusions have raised debates or critiques, and how these have shifted as views of the nation, the region, or of art or ‘heritage’ have shifted over time.

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