
Geography 10 Final Project
The great nation of China is at a crucial stage in its development,Having already emerged as the world’s second most powerful nation after the United States, China continues to push forward. With so much room for growth,predicting the peak of China’s growth is certainly a difficult task,and one that requires the examination of a long list of factors.With a new government in place, the Middle Kingdom begins a new chapter in its journey to the top.

Using both primary and secondary sources, you will conduct an in-depth investigation into China’s global position in a variety of terms. Using your research, you will compile an analytical essay of no less than 2500 and no more than 4000 words. Word counts do not include indexes, bibliographies, titles or footnotes. The focus of the essay will be development and will include the identification of key strengths and weakness as well as prescribed solutions. Your opions will be necessary but supporting evidence is key.

The following elements must be included in your essay. In terms of content, the rest is up to you. Some of these topics may overlap.You are ot required to create a specific heading for each one, nor would I suggest it. Feel free to use the following as a checklist.

1)Analysis of relevant historical events
2)Analysis of current situation(social,political,economic)
3)Predictions of future changes
4)Key challenges facing China’s new government
5)Solutions (include at least two permaculture solutions)
6)Development of tourism and at least one  undeveloped industry
7)China’s place in globalization
8) Urbanization and growth of cities
9)Environment and Resources
10)China’s quest for sustainability
11)International diplomacy and relations
13)At least two primary sources, six secondary sources, with evaluations of at least three.

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