JSNA Indicator for Noise

JSNA Indicator Template


The key is to present the information in as straightforward and clear way as possible and to highlight local action needed. The JSNA will be backed up with the more detailed needs assessments, equity audits, review etc so no need to replicate that level of detail within this review. Include hyperlinks to additional information, needs assessment, evidence base, guidelines rather than listing references within footnotes/endnotes.


  • Indicator name/s (you may feel that there are several indicators which are similar enough to be included within the one report)


  • Which outcome it is from (Public Health)

(N.B. It is useful to read the technical guidance for the indicator: Public health technical specifications)



  • Implications for the population’s health and well-being (background, importance and implications).
  • At risk or vulnerable groups (Protected groups are: Age, Gender, Gender Variance (Trans), Disability (Physical, Learning Disability, Mental Health, Sensory), Race (State which ethnic groups/communities), Religion and belief, Sexual orientation, Marriage and civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity (including breastfeeding mums), Carers, Military Veterans). Also be aware of other vulnerable groups not covered by this list, e.g. disadvantaged communities.
  • Benchmarking – Start with an overarching statement: e.g. Performance continues to be higher than the England average; Performance is better than last year, but needs to improve to reach the North West.


Include a table/chart/figure/map etc  – need to use which ever method (pie chart/table/bar chart/line graph) that presents the key information most easily.


Benchmark against most relevant hierarchy for your indicator: NW, Eng, ONS comparator group etc. Include direction of travel/trajectories where possible. You do not need to discuss content of figure within text, e.g. Local figure is x% compared to the North West figure of y%. The purpose of the chart is to give a visual display – where relevant you can reference more detailed information/needs assessments/reports etc hyperlinks.


  • Policy context – national and local as appropriate.
  • What interventions work (evidence based)?
  • What are we doing now? Only the list several key interventions. Again remember to mention any specific interventions which target or support access by the Protected groups listed above.
  • What needs to happen next, and by whom (i.e. highlight which agency)?


For these last 4 items – include links/hyperlinks to relevant strategies, documents and actions plans rather than having to copy over large sections of text. Also, bullet lists are acceptable.

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