Human Resource Management.

Vanderpump, a registered nurse, is clearly the best caregiver on the long term rehabilitation unit at ABC Hospital. Her patients & their families love her and compliment her often. Other staff members enjoy working with her. She is, however, five to fifteen minutes late two to three times per payroll period (14 days). You have spoken to her on each occasion and she always has an excuse– flat tire, ran out of gas, slept through the alarm, and so on. Ten days ago you gave her a final verbal warning regarding her lateness. According to facility policy, the next step is a five day suspension without pay. This morning she was 15 minutes late for work. How do you proceed and why? How do you document this situation? Would your decision be different if the hospital was located in a rural area and you have difficulties in recruiting staff?

1 SOURCE SHOULD BE…Fried,Bruce J. & Fottler, Myron D. "HUMAN RESOURCES IN HEALTHCARE, Managing for Success". 3rd Edition

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