Invent a new business. Make up the business, the location, the client base, and the product or service. Prepare a SWOT analysis of your new venture company.

New venture opportunity and SWOT analysis paper
This week we will study the SWOT analysis in detail. This week’s paper is required to be 4 -6 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page. Each page should be approximately 350 words, so no paper should be less than 1400 words. Double space your work, cite your sources, limit quotes, and edit your work well!
Read chapter 3 & 4 carefully.
For this assignment you will invent a new business. Make up the business, the location, the client base, and the product or service. Do not use any real company. You may review a real company’s website for ideas, but the basis of this paper should be your own ideas. Your introduction should include a description of your company and any details that are important to the reader. The final goal of this paper is to prepare a SWOT analysis of your new venture company. Make sure you have at least two other sources that supplement your work. Please review the SWOT analysis template attached here (as an example of a SWOT) and review the quad chart on page 81 as another example.
You tube video
After developing your new venture and describing it thoroughly in the beginning of your paper, provide a thorough SWOT analysis. Make sure you have included the actual SWOT analysis template listing the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities. You can use your own chart, but your paper should include a simple SWOT chart with the four segments outlined. Then, you must discuss each segment thoroughly and explain what you have learned from performing your analysis.
So, your paper should include a title page and a reference page:
1 – a description of your new venture
2 – using the quad chart on page 81 as a sample and the sample attached to this assignment include a quad chart
3 – a thorough explanation of what you have learned from the analysis, further defining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
4 – an evaluation – will you continue your business venture?

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